Holistic Facials

Natural Lift Facial Massage (Facial Rejuvenation)

Natural Lift Facial Massage, also known as Facial Rejuvenation, gives a natural lift, beauty and radiance to the face without the use of surgery or harsh products....

This non invasive holistic treatment uses Indian and Japanese facial massage techniques combined with acupressure and reflexology point pressures.  The precise hand and finger movements used within this treatment break down tension held within the face, improving the complexion, removing toxins, helping to prevent and reduce facial lines while also balancing the energy of the mind and body.

A truly, lovely, relaxing treatment which encompasses relaxation of the mind, body and soul with the added benefit of a noticeable improvement in skin condition.  Feel as relaxed and uplifted as you look!

Possible benefits

  • Relaxation
  • Increased nutrients to the skin
  • Improves lymphatic flow, removing toxins
  • Tones and strengthens facial muscles
  • Repairs and balances the skin
  • Reduced facial lines and more defined features
  • Relieves tension in the head and neck area

45 minutes £40




Anna Marie Therapy - Massage
Anna Marie Therapy - Foot and head massage